
首页句子句子大全经典句子请用英语翻译下面的句子更新时间:2022-06-09 06:05:28

1 . Like and like make good friends。

2 . Accidents will happen in the best regulated families。

3 . It is hard to please all。

4 . Where there‘s smoke,there‘s fire。

5 . Health is better than wealth。

6 . life without a friend is a life without a sun。

7 . Where there is a will,there is a way。

8 . live not to eat,but eat to live。

9 . Actions speak louder than words。

10 . Action speaks louder than words。

11 . East or west,home is the best。

12 . First things first。

13 . Never put off till tomorrow what may be done today。

14 . All that glitters is not gold。

15 . Where there‘s a will,there‘s a way。

16 . Do as Romans do in Rome。

17 . An hour in the morning is worth two in the evening。

18 . Out of sight,out of mind。

19 . Christmas comes but once a year。

20 . live not to eat,but eat to live。
