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1 .  Prove to me that you care. 如果你在乎,证明给我看。

2 .  What time did you let me into your heart你什么时候才能让我进入你的心。

3 . You laugh at me for being different, but I laugh at you for being the same.你嘲笑我和别人不一样,我嘲笑你和大家都一样。

4 .  Die bunte Welt, nicht zu ernst nehmen 花花世界 不必当真。

5 .  The most affectionate love I imagined is that I live as you used to be after you gone away. 我所认为最深沉的爱,莫过于分开以后,我将自己,活成了你的样子。 

6 . 语言很多时候都是假的,一起经历的事情才是真的。

7 .  I want love or death. 生无爱,吾宁死。

8 .  True love doesn't mean being inseparable. It means being separated and nothing changes. 真爱并不意味着永不分离。 它意味着即使分开了,也没有任何改变。

9 .  If I win, you keep me with you…for life. 如果我赢了,你要让我一辈子…留在你身边。

10 .  Thank you for comforting me when I’m sad 感谢你在我伤心时安慰我。

11 .  Sometimes there is no next time, no second chance, no time out. Sometimes it is now or never. 有时候,没有下一次,没有机会重来,没有暂停继续。有时候,错过了现在,就永远永远的没机会了。

12 . Fear can hold you prisoner. Hope can set you free.恐惧让你沦为囚犯,希望让你重获自由。

13 .  Everyone has something they're good at. I've always been stupid, but I'm good at this.每个人都有他擅长的东西。我总是很笨,但这就是我擅长的。

14 . In a world where you can't fight back, superheroes provide meaingful wish-fulfilment.在一个人自身无力反抗时,超级英雄能满足他们心中的愿望。

15 .  You will have it if it belongs to you,whereas you don’t kvetch for it if it doesn’t appear in your life 命里有时终需有,命里无时莫强求。

16 . Yesterday is history.Tomorrow is a mystery.But today is a gift.That is why it’s called the present (the gift). 昨天是历史,明天是谜团,只有今天是天赐的礼物。

17 .  Some habits, however, was to change 有些习惯,无论如何都改不了。

18 .  I won't insult your intelligence by explaining it to you. 我就不给你解释了,省得说我侮辱你智商。

19 .  Nobody hurts children, are doomed to oneself hold up one day没人疼的孩子,注定要自己撑起一片天。

20 . If you're afraid to fail then you're probably going to fail. 如果你害怕失败,那意味着你已经输了。
