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1 .  My mother had a great deal of trouble with me, but I think she enjoyed it. 

2 .  He can run, but he can't hide. 

3 .  A good friend will always stab you in the front. 

4 . ​

5 .  You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.

6 .  We are made to persist. That's how we find out who we are. 

7 . 我并不是一个坚强的人,但我知道在该坚强的时候一定要坚强。    

8 . 隐身不是怕你打扰,是为你的不打扰找个说得过去的借口。    

9 . 假如真有来世,我愿生生世世为人,只做芸芸众生中的一个,哪怕一生贫困清苦,浪迹天涯,只要能爱恨歌哭,只要能心遂所愿。

10 . 这里必须说说恐惧,它是生活惟一真正的对手,因为只有恐惧才能打败生活。

11 . 人可以躲开,但不能藏起来。

12 . 是不是月老和孟婆曾是情人,一个牵了情丝,一个断了红尘。    一花一世界,一叶一追寻。一曲一场叹,一生为一人。    

13 . 要有所发现,就要见别人见过的,想没人想过的。

14 .  I only want to accompany you for one period of your life,which turns out to be the rest of your life.

15 .  The choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility.

16 . 世上没有完全合适的两个人,只有互相迁就的两颗心。    

17 . 别以为不经常见面,感情就淡了,告诉你,就凭当初咱的交情,我就敢在你生命中猖狂一辈子。    

18 .  The unexamined life is not worth living.

19 .  What people say you cannot do, you try and find that you can. 

20 .  The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong. 
