wordpress 说说(wordpress完整版)

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1 .  I’m a principled person,but my mood guides my principles. 我是一个很有原则的人,我的原则就是看心情。

2 .  Love isn’t complicated, people are. 爱并不复杂,复杂的是人。

3 .  I love the young like a song. 我爱的少年如歌.

4 .  I don't work hard, how to proved how blind your eyes.我不努力,怎么证明当初你的眼睛有多瞎。

5 .  Tell me your story. 告诉我你的故事。

6 .  To know is good for you to get to meet in the future. 懂得释怀才好迎接未来。

7 . 走出舒适区,生活才算开始。

8 . 有人朝你扔石头,你却可以把石头变成纪念碑。

9 .  In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.在梦境和爱情里,没有事情是不可能的。

10 .  You take my breatheaway. 你带走了我的呼吸。

11 . 我们生来就是为了坚持,这样我们才能明白自己是谁。

12 .  Just a kiss for you. 给你一个吻。

13 . 4 One picture is worth a thousand words. 百闻不如一见。

14 .  As long as you're being a copycat, you will never be the best copycat. 

15 .  Give me your sad,I want you happy. 把你难过给我,我要你快乐。

16 . 要有所发现,就要见别人见过的,想没人想过的。

17 . 5 Can forget of, all no longer important. 可以遗忘的,都不再重要了。

18 .  Only dead fish follow the flow. 只有死鱼才随波逐流。

19 .  You cannot change what you refuse to confront. 你不去面对又怎么能去改变呢。

20 .  Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought. 
