
首页说说说说大全说说带诗意狗狗的说说句子更新时间:2024-02-05 03:11:21

1 . 在你的恶作剧里

2 . 04 

3 . I like you,but just I like you.

4 . it is just null.

5 . No matter the ending is perfect or not,

6 . You'd know, 

7 . 泪如珠玉不复惜,若是良人无须啼。

8 . 06 

9 . 11 

10 . But every once in a while

11 . 但为君故,诚恐如今。

12 . 09 

13 . Love is a piay that a person who gets and losses.

14 . Sun for morning,Moon for night,

15 . but I move the heart.

16 . 人生恰如三月花,倾我一生一世念。

17 . 15 

18 . nothing will ever compare.

19 . and when you do,

20 . and the one who is ,won't make you cry.
