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2 .  I must say a word about fear. It is life’s only true opponent. Only fear can defeat life.

3 .  Education is what remains after one has forgotten everything one has learned in school.

4 . 另一个人的幸福对你自己的幸福至关重要,这就是爱。

5 .  Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.

6 . 心有多软,壳就要有多硬,否则漫漫人生路如何走得下去。

7 .  You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.

8 . 你不说就别怪没人懂,你爱作就别怪被人嫌。

9 . 未经审视的人生不值得度过。

10 .  If there is an afterlife, I wish generation after generation people, only mortal beings in a, even if life poverty poverty, rove all over the world, as long as they can love and hate song cry, as long as the heart hence wish.

11 . 我们所做的选择最终都成为我们的责任。

12 . 能给你遮风挡雨的,同样也能让你不见天日。

13 . 我们最大的自由是选择态度的自由。

14 . 如果我恨你,就不能忘记你。

15 . 无数的选择决定了我们的命运。每一次选择,每一个时刻,都是时间河流中的一个涟漪。足够多的涟漪就可以改变河流的流向,因为未来从来不是一个定数。

16 . 教育就是当一个人把在学校所学全部忘光之后剩下的东西。

17 .  Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude.

18 .  When a man cannot choose, he ceases to be a man。

19 . 假如真有来世,我愿生生世世为人,只做芸芸众生中的一个,哪怕一生贫困清苦,浪迹天涯,只要能爱恨歌哭,只要能心遂所愿。

20 . 以前碰到心动的就直接撩了,现在年纪长大了,做什么都畏首畏尾的,好像除了斗地主敢瞎叫地主,连喜欢都不是很敢说了。
