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1 . Because of you,I am afraid.

2 . and when you do,

3 .  But if thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought. 如果说思想会腐蚀语言的话,那么语言也会腐蚀思想。

4 .  My motto has always been: A career open to all talents, without distinctions of birth. 我的箴言一贯如此:英雄不问来路。

5 . 05 

6 . 04 

7 .  All men must die. 凡人终逝。

8 . No man or woman is worth your tears,

9 . 纵然相思入骨,

10 . 风月入我相思局,怎堪相思未相许。

11 . 但为君故,惜身不徨。

12 .  I want to do, even if again. 我想做好,就算一次。

13 .  Never was anything great achieved without danger. 成就任何伟业都不可能没有风险。

14 .  One ought to look a good deal at oneself before thinking of condemning others. 一个人想要指责别人之前应该好好审视一下自己。

15 . promised between the fingers rift,

16 .  The silent night has the beauty of the mother and the clamorous day of the child. 静夜有母亲的美丽,如喧哗的白日之于孩子。

17 .  At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet. 当碰到了爱情,每个人都成了诗人。

18 . Because of you,I never stray too far from the sidewalk.

19 . 但为君故,诚恐如今。

20 . 未能濡沫以共。
