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1 . 愿得一人心,白首不分离。

2 . But every once in a while

3 . 07 

4 . 光阴常无踪,词穷不敢道荏苒。

5 . Because I want to see your smile

6 . 09 

7 .  暗恋的人没有想暗***的一大把

8 .  你泛滥我也泛滥,你喜欢谁我就砍谁

9 . Because of you,I find it hard to trust not only me, 

10 .  做够了大家闺秀想做做你的妓奴

11 . and You forever.

12 .  不要和女生讲大道理只要哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她哄她就好了.

13 . 5 幸无所爱不畏山海

14 . 50. 辛亏长得丑没经历过各位的爱恨情仇

15 . 5 我偏爱寻欢作乐厌倦晚晚难安

16 .  真不知她哪好是姿势到位还是避孕套买的贵

17 . rather than stay with each other,

18 . nothing will ever compare.

19 . 60. 好好生活慢慢相遇

20 . I'll think of you every step of way.
