
首页说说说说大全说说单身吸引异性的说说短句更新时间:2024-06-16 17:09:35

1 . A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything .

2 . 我喜欢你,像星辰砸向大地,至死而已。

3 . You couldn’t see my tears cause I am in the water.” Fish said to water.“But I could feel your tears cause you are in my heart.” Answered water。

4 . Many people refuse to love anything because they are afraid to lose what they could love。

5 . Only if you ask , my answer will always be yes .

6 . 我想再遇见你,在街角在路的拐弯处,说清我的爱慕,不管也不顾。

7 . 多少的执着输给了时间,多少的泪水流过青春

8 . 全世界都在赌如何赢得这场球,而我在赌如何赢得你的心。

9 . 很多人拒绝去爱,是因为他们害怕失去他们可能会爱上的一切。

10 . 因为,你住在我心里,所以,到处都是你。

11 . Dance years ,stole many memories .

12 . 幸福是年华的沉淀,微笑是寂寞的悲伤。  

13 . 一生得此一人,不易,彼此相爱到老,不腻。

14 . How much dedication lost to the time , how much tears flow through the youth .

15 . 生来傲性,有野心也留在心底

16 . Life to this person, not easy, love each other to old, not greasy.

17 . 好想从现在开始抱着你,紧紧的抱着你,一直走到上帝面前。

18 . Everyone gets tired.No one can take the pain for you. You have to go through it and grow up. 

19 . 你是我执着的理由,也是我疯狂的借口。

20 . Born with pride and ambition , but also leave it in the bottom of my heart .
