
首页说说说说大全说说最美日落的简短说说句子英文版更新时间:2024-04-28 13:27:33

1 . 不知道什么时候爱上的你,却只愿余生都是你。

2 . 吾爱有三:日,月,

3 . 恭喜你成为我的法定第一继承人。

4 . 我想要陪你走到最后 就算最后没有我

5 . 可眼泪却往下掉

6 . 只有二维和三维的距离

7 . 我希望只有在我面前,你可以不用坚强。

8 . 我故意中招

9 . 如果没人护你周全,那就酷到没有软肋。If no one is protecting you,just be cool without soft spot. ​​​​

10 . 去见你想见的人,趁阳光正好,趁微风不噪,趁他还在,趁你未老。

11 . 苦尽甘来,所以你来了

12 . 人言可畏 愿你能找到一个为你捂住耳朵的人

13 . 大吉大利,今天结婚

14 . 我本无意爱你,如今忘不掉你。I have no intention to fall in love with you, but now I cannot kick you out of my memory. ​​​​

15 . I don't know the passion until I met you

16 . You smiled warmly

17 . 没有忘记,只是放在心里不愿被提及。I didn't forget it, I just put it in my heart and didn't want it to be mentioned. ​​​​

18 . when I met you

19 . 比起谈着充满欺骗的恋爱,单身反而更好。Being single is better than being in an unfaithful relationship. ​​​​

20 . 他说的诺言当不了真,我许的情深等不了人。The promise he said could not be true.I can't wait for the person with my deep feeling. ​​​​
