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1 . 我想我还是不够成熟,没办法为自己那颗浮躁的心,波澜不惊地掌舵I don't think I'm still not mature enough, can the heart blundering, for himself off peacefully at the helm.

2 . 我想你了,可我不能对你说,就像高挂天边的彩虹,永远无人能够触摸。

3 . 陪伴是最长情的告白,等待是最温暖的港湾,不求与你共相伴到老,只愿能陪你爱你可好。

4 . 不要将生活幻想的那么圆,要知道四季不可能只有春天Don't take life fantasy so round, four seasons may not only in the spring, you know.

5 . 心态决定情绪,情绪决定心情,心情决定心境,心境决定生活。Mentality decided to emotions, emotions decided the mood, the mood decided to mood, mood decided to life.

6 . 每个人都是活在自己的故事里,你不必知道自己是谁,只是需要知道自己需要做的是谁。Everyone is living in their own story, you don't have to know who you are, just need to know who is you need to do.

7 . 你喜欢田野,而我愚笨,只得荒地植草换一时春生。

8 . 当你觉得孤独无助时,想一想还有几十万亿的细胞只为你一个人而活When you feel lonely and helpless, think there are hundreds of thousands of billions of cells a person to live for you.

9 . 我这个人很难将就,遇到对味的就想占为己有

10 . 以后也是拧不开瓶盖的小朋友了

11 . 能力决定你能做什么,动机决定你做什么,态度决定你做得怎么样。Ability to decide what you can do, motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how are you doing.

12 . 许多人都说失去以后才懂得珍惜,其实珍惜后的失去更痛Many people say that after losing just know to cherish, actually cherish after losing more pain.

13 . 时间分两类:你在的时候和不在的时候。人分两种:你和其他人。

14 . 当你的心情很容易被另一个人所影响时,你便会知道,他对你意义非凡。When your mood is very easy to be influenced by another person, you know, he means a lot to you.

15 . 你需要忘记失去的,感激拥有的,和期待将至的。You need to forget what's gone, appreciate what's left, and look forward to what's next.

16 . 你只字未提我爱你,我却句句都是我愿意。

17 . 太多曾沾沾自喜势必珍惜的情谊,败给了时光的腐朽,败给自以为是的长久Too much complacency will cherish friendship, lost to time decay, long lost to self-righteous.

18 . 别忘了答应自己要去的地方,无论有多难,有多远。Don't forget promised to go to your place, no matter how hard it is, how far is it.

19 . 我觉得生命是一份礼物,我不想浪费它。你不会知道下一手牌会是什么,要学会接受生活I figure life is a gift and I don't want to waste it. You neverknow what is, you learn to take life.

20 . 喜欢一个人的感觉,大概就是听别人讨论爱情,我只想起你。
