
首页说说说说大全说说只要是真心换真情的说说句子短句英语翻译更新时间:2024-06-17 05:46:23

1 . 又到了这个穿短袖的看穿棉袄的,互相觉得对方是神经病的季节。

2 .  I will be strong enough to make you feel bad我会坚强到让你们心疼。

3 .  Don't need better than it is now, just now so good不需要比现在好,只要现在这样就好。

4 .  If we wait for the right person, whether to a lifetime alone假如我们等不到对的人,是不是要一辈子孤单。

5 . I've never given much thought to how I would die, but dying in the place of someone I love seems like a good way to go.我过去从未过多考虑过我将来会如何死去,但死在我爱的人怀里倒是一个不错的选择。

6 .  If I know what love is, it is because of you因为你,我懂得了爱。

7 . 你是那些年月里最烈的酒,我认真的醉过。

8 .  ou don’t care, but it was the best moment of my life.---你毫不在意,但那却是我人生中最美好的时光。

9 .  No words are necessary between two loving hearts两颗相爱的心之间不需要言语。

10 .  I love you, you can't see these years 我爱你,在你看不到的这些年。

11 .  Die bunte Welt, nicht zu ernst nehmen 花花世界 不必当真。

12 .  Few men during their lifetime come anywhere near exhausting the resources dwelling within them. There are deep wells of strength that are never used.-----能够在一生中把自己的所有才智发挥殆尽的人可谓少之又少。许许多多的潜能是我们从来没使用过的。

13 . 有些人莫名其妙地对你好,不是有企图,就是有愧疚。

14 .  Life is too short to wake up with regrets. So love the people who treat you right. Forget about the one’s who don’t.---生命太短暂,不够时间来遗憾。所以,爱那些正确对待你的人,忘掉那些没做到的。

15 .  Loneliness is a beautiful thought, and only in the thinking of the time, it looked so beautiful and lonely思念是一种美丽的孤独,也只有在思念的时候,孤独才显得如此美丽。

16 .  Side to give up, while love you 一边放弃,一边爱你。

17 .  Love without you is like looking for the sun on a rainy day没有你的爱,就像在雨天里寻找太阳。

18 .  One day someone will walk into your life, then you realize love was always worth waiting for.----有一天那个人走进了你的生命,你就会明白,真爱总是值得等待的.

19 . Remember, can cry, can hate, but you can't not strong. Because there are a group of people waiting to see your jokes.记住,可以哭,可以恨,但是不可以不坚强。因为后面还有一群人在等着看你的笑话。

20 . 如果整天只顾着往回看,前面的风景你一定会错过的。
