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1 . Everything we’ve ever done has lead to this.我们做过的每一件事导致了这样的结果。

2 . 你不得不承认,钱能解决你生活中95%以上的烦恼。

3 . 哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人。

4 . Don't make yourself tired to cater to others不要为了迎合别人 而把自己弄的很累

5 . Youth means limitless possibilities.年轻就是无限的可能。

6 . 有了梦想,才会督促我努力,才会让我遇见更好的人,让我知道真的有人在过我想要过的生活

7 . 想给毫无生气的人生增添一丝色彩 不让视我如珍宝的父母失望

8 . May there be enough clouds in your life to make a beautiful sunset. 愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个美丽的黄昏。

9 . 何止是一些野心,我预谋了一辈子的念想,从遇见你开始,不共黄土不死心。

10 . I've lost a lot of friends, but it made me see who my true friends are.我失去过很多朋友,不过正因如此才让我更清楚知道谁才是真朋友。

11 . I'm just a girl,standing in front of a boy,asking him to love her. 我只不过是一个女孩,站在心爱的男孩的面前,需要他爱我的一个女孩。

12 . Don't let the oneself sad to smile能微笑就别让自己难过

13 . I always like walking in the rain, so no one can see me crying. 我一直喜欢在雨中行走,那样没人能看到我的眼泪。

14 .  Dangqi dream , I have the power.荡起梦想,我有力量

15 .  You have seed I will give you some color to see see, brothers!together up! 你有种,我要给你点颜色瞧瞧,兄弟们,一起上!

16 . No matter what I go through to get her back,trying to fight against my blood lust and control of my life again.None of that matter if she has feeling for someboby else.无论我做什么来赢回她的心,试着控制我的嗜血并重新掌握我的人生;但是如果她心里还有别人,我所做的将毫无意义。

17 . If someone is decreed by fate to be great, the child, you are the man. 如果有人命中注定要成就伟大,那孩子,这个人是你。

18 .  play a big knife before Guan Gong 关公面前耍大刀

19 . If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦,不要逞强,你就跑,远远跑开。

20 . Always remember the past, but never get stuck.铭记过去,但绝不深陷其中。
