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1 .  也许生存在世间的人们都只是在等待一种偶遇,一种适时的相遇,时间对了,你们便会遇上。People may live in the world is waiting for a chance encounter, a timely, to meet the time by the way, you will be met.

2 . 02 

3 . 不要说,离开以后还会想念;不要说,分手以后还是朋友。离开一个地方,风景就不再属于你;错过一个人,那人便与你无关。转身的那一秒开始,我的幸福,便与你无关。    

4 . 15 

5 . Because of you,I am afraid.

6 . rather than stay with each other,

7 . Sun for morning,Moon for night,

8 .  Laughter and tears are both responses to frustration and exhaustion. I myself prefer to laugh, since there is less cleaning up to do afterward.~Kurt Vonnegut 笑与泪都是失落疲惫的反应.我个人比较倾向于笑, 因为至少后面的清洁工作要少点.

9 . 07 

10 . 我提笔写下这琳琅风月,字字如蝶。

11 .  But human life is also the moment of cosmic dust across the sky, not to mention everything is leaving, as the changing of the Star, things change.人的生命也不过宇宙尘埃划过苍穹的瞬间,更何况聚散离别,如同变幻的星际,世事无常。

12 . But every once in a while

13 .  成长是一次经历,成熟是一场历经Growth is an experience, is a mature after.

14 . ​

15 . without you

16 . 日为朝,月为暮。

17 . until my hair white not leave.

18 . 但为君故,别无他信。

19 . 习惯寂寞以后,一个人就是全世界。    

20 . however beautiful the city is
