
首页说说说说大全说说加配图唯美的说说更新时间:2022-01-29 05:08:55

1 . 谁值得留在身边,

2 . Only if the first sign of life,

3 . Naive is to see like of the person.

4 . There's only you

5 . Because of you

6 . who are not willing to walk with you.

7 . If you love me, I will accompany you;

8 . 因为值得 所以等待

9 . 世界再大,大不过一颗心;

10 . waiting for a person without a return

11 . 喝着孤独的酒

12 . 你衔我一片纯白岁月,

13 . if you do not love me,I will give you freedom.

14 . the feeling is unspeakable

15 . The world is big, big but a heart;

16 . 不要浪费时间,

17 .  七夕到了,身边的朋友老是问:七夕是一个人吗?于是我只能回答:不是!。真逗逼,七夕怎么会是一个人呢,明明是个节日啊!

18 . 你不爱我,我给你自由。

19 . 我与世界

20 . 你不爱我,我给你自由。
