
首页说说说说大全说说爱干净的句子说说短句英语翻译更新时间:2024-06-15 13:09:09

1 . 你要学会长大,一个人抵过千军万马。You must learn to grow up, and a man worth thousands upon thousands of horses and soldiers.

2 . 当你学会平静地对待离别时,你心中的那个人已经不会走了。

3 . 我不知道遇见你是对是错,但我知道遇见你我开心过。

4 . 那些不能***死我们的,使我们更强大。That which does not kill us makes us stronger.

5 . 当我们懂得幸福的时候,那是因为我们懂得了珍惜。When we understand happiness, it is because we know how to value.

6 . 你是我喉咙里的刺,拔出来会痛,咽下去会死。You are a thorn in my throat,pull out will hurt,swallow will die.

7 .  Husband and wife lung slice.夫妻肺片

8 . 人总是会变的,不变的人需要很多人的付出来保护。

9 . This is the way I am. I treat well those who treat me well. 我就是这么一个人,谁对我好我就对谁好。

10 . 走自己的路,做喜欢的事,爱喜欢的人,做自己的主人。Go your own way, do what you love,Love the one you like and be your own master.

11 . You are the only one, you are very unique, you are the first in your life.你是唯一的,你是非常独特的,你就是你生命中的第一名。

12 .  One day is your teacher, day day is your father.一日为师终身为父。

13 . 失望到极致是什么,大概就是欲言又止,无所谓,无所畏。

14 .  Dangqi dream , I have the power.荡起梦想,我有力量

15 . 往日情怀酿作酒,换我余生长醉不复忧。  

16 . 尽管眼下十分艰难,可日后这段经历说不定就会开花结果。Hard as it is now, the experience may blossom and bear fruit in the future.

17 . 鲜花怒马少年时,一日看尽长安花。

18 . 世界上所有的相遇都是久别重逢。

19 . 人这一辈子,遇见对你好的人比较容易,可遇见始终待你如初的人很难。All my life,It's easier to meet people who are nice to you,It's hard to meet someone who's always been there for you.

20 . Failure is the mother of success。失败乃成功之母。
