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1 .  The truth is, everyone is going to hurt you. You just gotta find the ones worth suffering for.事实是,每个人最终都会伤害你,你只是需要找到那个值得你去承受这一切的人.

2 . ​

3 . I miss you so much already and I haven't even left yet!

4 .  We shouldn’t blame, laugh at and envy anyone. We should be colorful in the sunshine, run in the winds and rains, dream your own dreams and go your own way.不埋怨谁,不嘲笑谁,也不羡慕谁,阳光下灿烂,风雨中奔跑,做自己的梦,走自己的路

5 . 都会过去的,烦躁的心情,孤单的生活,还有努力也没用的事。

6 . 凋谢是真实的盛开只是一种过去

7 . 爱情永不死。

8 .  Single hand that wipes tears during failures is much better than countless hands that come together to clap on success.失败时有人伸出一只手来为你擦泪,会好过成功时无数人伸手为你鼓掌。

9 . You had me at hello

10 . 我会想你,在漫漫长路的每一步。

11 . 还是那么一句,你若安好,便是晴天,却说不出口。

12 . Who travels for love finds a thousand miles not longer than one

13 . 尽管还不曾离开,我已对你朝思暮想!

14 . Love never dies

15 . 哪里有真爱存在,哪里就有奇迹。

16 . 爱比大衣更能驱走寒冷。

17 . Don't cry because it is over,smile because it happened

18 . Promises are often like the butterfly, which disappear after beautiful hover

19 . 不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

20 . 最幸福的事,不是活的像别人,是在你努力之后,活得更像自己。
