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1 . 你可以图一个人长帅,可以图一个人有钱,甚至可以图一个人的家世,但是你千万千万不要图一个人对你好。长的帅,有钱,有社会地位,这些东西都是客观存在的社会硬件,是实实在在看得见摸得着的,但是如果你图一个人对你好,那真的就太傻了,他一旦不想对你好了,那你就什么都没有了。

2 . 真正准备离开的人,只会挑一个风和日丽的下午,随意裹上一件外套出门,便再也不会回来。

3 . At the core of all anger is a need that is not being fulfilled.所有愤怒的核心是需求没有被满足。

4 . Boys,you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it at all.你们必须努力寻找自己的声音,因为你越迟开始寻找,找到的可能性就越小。

5 . Anger makes you stupid,stupid gets you killed. 愤怒会让你变愚蠢,而愚蠢会害死你自己。

6 .  所谓的人缘好,不是有多少人认识你。而是你有事情时,有多少人愿意帮助你。The so-called good people person, is not how many people know you. But when you have something, how many people are willing to help you.

7 . 总有些惊奇的际遇,比方说当我遇见你。

8 . I would rather have questions that can't be answered than answers that can't be questioned.我宁愿要无法回答的问题,也不要不能质疑的答案。

9 .  成长是一次经历,成熟是一场历经Growth is an experience, is a mature after.

10 .  旁人能看见你的疤痕,但终究感受不到你的痛楚。Others can see your scar, but, after all, feel your pain.

11 . 真正的友谊,不是花言巧语,而是关键时候拉你的那只手。

12 . Let us dream of tomorrow where we can truly love from the soul, and know love as the ultimate truth at the heart of all creation. 让我们梦想着一个明天,那里有从心底升腾起的爱,我们终将明白一个真理,爱像一颗充满创造力的心。

13 . 还有比从厕所出来打了个嗝更尴尬的事情吗?    

14 . 有时候我们需要的不是执着,而是回眸一笑的洒脱。

15 .  也许生存在世间的人们都只是在等待一种偶遇,一种适时的相遇,时间对了,你们便会遇上。People may live in the world is waiting for a chance encounter, a timely, to meet the time by the way, you will be met.

16 . Naomi Ginsberg:Love that is hoarded molds at last.Until we know,the only thing we have is what we hand away. 爱到最后总会得到回报的,在那之前,我们仅需要做的就是学会舍得。

17 . 如果不是为了让我们深更半夜起来摸索有什么可吃的,冰箱里干嘛装个灯。    

18 . You can change your life if you want to. Sometimes, you have to be hard on yourself, but you can change it completely. 有志者事竟成。有时虽然劳其筋骨,但是命运可以彻底改变。

19 . 发呆这事儿,如果做的好就叫深沉。如果做的不好,那就很有可能睡着……    

20 . 未来可期 人间值得. 
