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1 .  太多曾沾沾自喜势必珍惜的情谊,败给了时光的腐朽,败给自以为是的长久Too much complacency will cherish friendship, lost to time decay, long lost to self-righteous.

2 . 心脏都溃烂了,还怕你再朝我开一枪捅一刀吗?

3 .  我就是太阳,无需凭借谁的的光I am the sun, who don't need to rely on the light.

4 .  心态决定情绪,情绪决定心情,心情决定心境,心境决定生活。Mentality decided to emotions, emotions decided the mood, the mood decided to mood, mood decided to life.

5 .  能力决定你能做什么,动机决定你做什么,态度决定你做得怎么样。Ability to decide what you can do, motivation determines what you do, attitude determines how are you doing.

6 . 如今过得不好那都是你自讨苦吃,怪你当初太心软,给了拿匕首的畜生刺你一刀的机会。

7 .  你何必向不值得的人证明什么,生活得更好,就是为你自己。Why should you to prove to people who do not worth anything, live better, is for yourself.

8 .  风没有方向的吹来,雨也跟着悲伤起来,没有人能告诉我,爱是在什么时候悄悄走开No direction the wind blows, the rain also follow sad, no one can tell me, when love is quietly go away.

9 . 曾经我们以为让我们痛的是青春,最后我们才发现是命运,是人生。

10 .  很多事,唯有当距离渐远的时候,才能回首看清它A lot of things, but only when the distance away, to look back to see it.

11 .  很多时候,一个人的改变是从另一个人的到来或离去开始的。In many cases, a person's change from another person's arrival or departure.

12 . 谁都会害怕失去,尤其是拼了命的珍惜后,却还是什么都留不住。

13 .  快乐有很多种方式,但是孤单却总类似。There are many kinds of way to be happy, but lonely is always similar.

14 .  时间送达不到的安慰,该带着心去找谁。Time served less than comfort, whom took the heart to turn to.

15 . 你没有给我一个理由就自私的走掉,让我独自一个人来承受孤单寂寞背叛。

16 .  当我们安静,也做出了决定,却无法再坚定。When we would be silent, but also to make a decision, and cannot be determined.

17 . 我爱了那么久爱到一无所有请问你要我怎么说我一点都不难受。

18 .  世间太多的错失不是因为愚蠢,而是因为太聪明。Many mistakes in the world are not caused by stupidity,but exceeded intelligence.

19 . 我在搜索着幸福,却收录了痛楚。

20 .  当你觉得孤独无助时,想一想还有几十万亿的细胞只为你一个人而活When you feel lonely and helpless, think there are hundreds of thousands of billions of cells a person to live for you.
