
首页头像个性头像rose头像抱动物更新时间:2024-06-22 22:48:50
rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。

 Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。

rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。

 If you want something you've never had, then you've got to do something you've never done. 如果你想要你从未拥有过的东西,那么你必须去做你从未做过的事。

rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。

 Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain.生活不是等待暴风雨过境,而是学会在雨中跳出最美的舞姿。

rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。rose头像抱动物: Don't avoid obstacles;learn to manage them. 面对阻碍不要逃避要学习去面对。

 Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger. 与其祈求生活平淡点,还不如祈求自己强大点。
